With a bar of chocolate and winamp playlists are playing, I'm trying to express what has been in my mind recently, the light one, about the standard of perfection..(my version, the result of not-seriously thinking process).
Does is really exist?
Yes, It does. It differently exists before anyone's eyes. It is, because the standard of perfection is made by people itself. Let's believe to a common phrase "Nobody's perfect". God never created the creatures as perfect as the creator, God itself.
How did people make it?
People who made it, I think, realized that they are also imperfect. So, by pretending there must be something or someone is perfect out there, they would feel the energy of the perfection. Agree? Disagree? It's your choice readers, I'm just expressing my own thought. ^^v. Some people when they see or find something or someone, they would say, "Owh! It's perfect!, or he's/she's perfect!". Do they need any permission from others about it? I don't think so. Once they said it, It always be that way. They've created their own standard of perfection.
Hmm..Finding out the perfection isn't easy for some people. They might make some selections based on their view about it. They might make some comparisons to get the perfect perfect. And, I think that standard of perfection is tentative. Some say today it's perfect, tomorrow it's imperfect, the day after tomorrow it's less perfect. There might also some influences which take part in the deciding process of whether this is perfect or not. Time, the mood, knowledge which deformed into a personal view are some factors.Till now, I can't find the institution which dealing with the standard of perfection. It's different to National Standardization Board, of course.
Runaprilia@Runateahouse :)
2 komentar:
Hmm, I've just remembered two sentences written by one of our senior. "Nobody's perfect. I am nobody, so I'm perfect!" What do you think? Hehehe...
Tidak seorang pun sempurna. Gw bukan siapa2, jadi gw perfect!
So, he or she is somebody. And he or she thought he's or she's perfect.
What comes up in my mind is just a wordplay. hehehe.. I don't know..and you?
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