I'm back!
I didn't write for about a week which definitely break my wish to post everyday. Haha.
I just want to share my experience. I just read Rizki Alexa's blog which is VERY GOOD blog! even though the name is just a scrapBlog. Well, for him it probably just all about craps. For me, it's masterpiece! Look, he made everything surround him as the source of inspirations. I love when he elucidates life as something have to be clarified and worth to be learned. It's worth, indeed. I strongly agree. :) It's not just because I'm his fan. We're not gonna talk about this.
For the student of Sidney University majoring Mathematics (hopefully I'm right, hehe), his writings are beautifully written. He is mostly contemplating and questioning something that maybe just come out naturally from his bright cranium that God put on him. Haha. I think it's too much. But hey seriously, his writings are good. You'd better check them out. Oia, he also wrote several songs with the chords included. Hmm..I really wanna know when he will sing them!
Runaprilia@Runateahouse :)
4 komentar:
Kasih linknya dong... Mau liat.
udah liat wit? tu ada namanya di "also Enjoy these".. keren!
Udah liat, bagus, hehe.
Cuma agak 'berat' buat gw.. :p
Ternyata musisi itu banyak yang jago nulis ya, keren!
Bwt gw jg..Haha.Sometimes i don't really get what he meant..But it's cool.Iya keren,knp ya?Haha
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